A Review of the Overfitting Problem in Convolution Neural Network and Remedy Approaches


  • Hiba Kahdum Dishar AL-Qadisiyah University, College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Computer Science Department, Diwaniyah, Iraq
  • Lamia AbedNoor Muhammed Al-Qadisiyah University, College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Computer Science Department, Diwaniyah, Iraq.




Convolutional Neural Network,, Overfitting Problem, Deep learning, Regularization strategy, Data Expansion


Deep learning methods have attracted much attention over the past few years after their breakthroughs in speech recognition and computer vision. However, Convolution Neural Network (CNN) is one of the most important networks that have been used especially in image classification, these networks are facing an essential problem which is the “overfitting problem”. This problem means that the difficulty implies that the model would just "memorize" previously observed patterns, rather than “learn” the important patterns. As a result, it will down the classification performance and become a huge problem. Different remedy approaches have been suggested, each one can exhibit different behavior in the reduction of the overfitting problem according to the nature of the training data. So, this variety of remedy approaches needs to be examined. This paper would be focused on the factors that can cause the overfitting problem, then continue into the approaches to solving this problem.


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How to Cite

Dishar, H. K., & Muhammed, L. A. (2023). A Review of the Overfitting Problem in Convolution Neural Network and Remedy Approaches. Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 15(2), Comp Page 155–165. https://doi.org/10.29304/jqcm.2023.15.2.1240



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