Forecasting of electricity power consumption in AL - Qadisiya province by using time series models & Artificial neural networks models


  • Mohammed .H. AL - Sharoot University of Al-Qadisiyah
  • Doaa A. Saheb Department of Mathematics, College of Computer science and Mathematics, AL-Qadisiyah University


The time series analysis is considered of the important statistics topics which concerned with the study  phenomena behavior and interpret them at periods of time. Through a general description of time series and forming a suitable model for time series behavior interpretation for forecasting .

 The aim of research is to build a forecasting model to the electricity power consumption in AL - Qadisiya province at the period (2005 - 2012) by using  Box Jenkins model in time series  and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) model . The results showed superiority of artificial neural networks by using some error criterion.


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How to Cite

.H. AL - Sharoot, M., & A. Saheb, D. (2017). Forecasting of electricity power consumption in AL - Qadisiya province by using time series models & Artificial neural networks models. Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 6(1), 9–26. Retrieved from



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