Enhancing Semantic Interoperability in Bird Classification through XML/RDF and SPARQL


  • Asraa Mounaf Almousawy Deparment of Computer Science , Faculty of Education for Girls ,University of Kufa , Naj




Ontology Learning (OL), SPARQL, XML/RDF, Information Extraction, Bird Classification, Semantic Interoperability, Knowledge Organization.


Classification of birds is the area that is quite complex and involved such a lot of varieties that demands the correct as well as the professional organization of the information. This study addresses the problem of semantic interoperability in the bird categorization process by means of constructing an ontology which covers all the words used in taxonomic descriptions. The paper exploits XML/RDF standards for semantic web compatibility and Open Link Virtuoso SPARQL Query Editor that enables simple interaction with its tools and visualization in the process of querying and presentation of results. Attempt to develop a specific ontology for bird identification for the purpose of optimizing the accessibility and retrieval of heterogeneous bird-oriented data that ultimately help in building effective knowledge management system in this field. The effectiveness of an ontology is evaluated by its ability to make possible classification of diverse information. This research methodology is proposed for implementation in a broad range of researches, education, and conservation programs that can targeted to enhance their output and increase accuracy.


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How to Cite

Mounaf Almousawy, A. (2024). Enhancing Semantic Interoperability in Bird Classification through XML/RDF and SPARQL. Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 16(2), Comp. 42–52 . https://doi.org/10.29304/jqcsm.2024.16.21540



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