Compression-based Aggregation and Clustering Techniques for XML Enhanced Performance


  • Suad kamil Ayfan College of Computer Science and information technology, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq
  • Ahmed M. Mahdi College of Computer Science and information technology, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq



web services , aggregation, soap message, XML, clustering, compression


This paper has presented a comprehensive literature study and discusses the primary problem of network congestion and bottlenecks in XML applications. The explosive growth of Web services has caused a significant problem in network traffic due to the largely repetitive XML textual structures. The challenge of XML message size reduction in web services has been examined, focusing on new approaches such as compression methods and message clustering for Aggregation and compression of XML messages efficiently. The goal is to examine how different strategies affect network traffic. This overview discusses twenty-five publications categorized into four: compression techniques, aggregation approaches, clustering for web services aggregation approaches, and other web services clustering models. In comparison to all models, evaluation has shown that web service clustering solutions efficiently reduce traffic. Technically, the web service clustering for aggregation models has achieved an excellent average compression ratio of up to (14.12).


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Ahmed M. Mahdi, College of Computer Science and information technology, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq

This paper has presented a comprehensive literature study and discusses the primary problem of network congestion and bottlenecks in XML applications. The explosive growth of Web services has caused a significant problem in network traffic due to the largely repetitive XML textual structures. The challenge of XML message size reduction in web services has been examined, focusing on new approaches such as compression methods and message clustering for Aggregation and compression of XML messages efficiently. The goal is to examine how different strategies affect network traffic. This overview discusses twenty-five publications categorized into four: compression techniques, aggregation approaches, clustering for web services aggregation approaches, and other web services clustering models. In comparison to all models, evaluation has shown that web service clustering solutions efficiently reduce traffic. Technically, the web service clustering for aggregation models has achieved an excellent average compression ratio of up to (14.12).


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How to Cite

kamil Ayfan, S., & M. Mahdi, A. (2024). Compression-based Aggregation and Clustering Techniques for XML Enhanced Performance. Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 16(2), Comp. 98–111.



Computer Articles