Secret Sharing Schemes for Data Protection and Secure Communication: A Review


  • Ahmed Basil Mageed Iraqi Commission for Computers and Informatics ,Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Loay E. George Baghdad University, College of Science, Baghdad, Iraq



Secret sharing, Threshold cryptography, Data security, Authentication, Access control, Dynamic thresholds and Blockchain


Secret sharing, also one of the significant concepts, plays a vital role in computer science for guaranteed data security and secure communication with advanced digital security demands. This paper focuses on theoretical aspects, historical development, and various schemes of secret sharing using Shamir's polynomial-based and Blakely's geometric methods. Indeed, this importance in modern security is difficult to underestimate. It is based on a comprehensive literature review and the effectiveness of schemes in access control, data storage, and secure communications. From the evaluation, it can be seen that secret sharing prevents unauthorized access and secures against single points of failure very effectively; therefore, it finds wide usage in various secure applications. From this study, it can be concluded that secret sharing is a very flexible and core tool in the field of information security with possibilities for improvement up to the challenge of developing technological threats. The nature of the problem being addressed is the increasing need for superior protection in safeguarding sensitive data in a growing digital world


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How to Cite

Basil Mageed, A., & E. George, L. (2024). Secret Sharing Schemes for Data Protection and Secure Communication: A Review. Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 16(3), Comp Page 11–120.



Computer Articles