Robust Face Recognition System Based on Deep Facial Feature Extraction and Machine Learning


  • Ali Mohsin Al-Juboori College of computer science and information technolgy, Al-Qadisiyah University



Face Recognition, Feature Extraction, Machine learning,


Facial Recognition is a common challenge in research for security applications. Wide-ranging applications of this technology include biometrics, security data, access to controlled locations, smart cards, and surveillance systems. A practical approach to identifying individuals depends on factors such as partial face occlusion, illumination, age, expression, makeup, and poses. These complex face recognition variables affect most face recognition systems. In this paper, we propose a deep transfer learning for facial features based on the pose and illumination variations of celebrities’ faces in a free environment for face recognition. The new approach that combines deep learning methods for feature extraction with machine learning classification methods. Also, studies the performance of the pre-trained model (VGGFace2 with ResNet-50 model weights) for feature extraction with a Multilayer Perceptron Classifier (MLP), Decision Tree, and Bootstrap Aggregation (Bagging) to perform classification. The convolution neural network has lately achieved excellent advancement in facial recognition. The outcome indicated that VGGFace2 with MLP obtained more precision and provided the best results (Accuracy, F-measure, Recall, and Precision). The results for all metric for the proposed model is 99%. The benchmark for this model is a dataset of 105 people’s faces.


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How to Cite

Mohsin Al-Juboori, A. (2024). Robust Face Recognition System Based on Deep Facial Feature Extraction and Machine Learning. Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 16(3), Comp Page 25–34.



Computer Articles