On e*-Singular-Hollow-Lifting Modules


  • Ali A. Kabban Department of Mathematics, University of Baghdad, College of Science. Baghdad, Iraq
  • Wasan Khalid Department of Mathematics, University of Baghdad, College of Science. Baghdad, Iraq




e*S-small submodules, 〖F I〗┬(e*S)-lifting modules, e*S-lifting modules, Hollow-lifting modules, e*S-hollow-lifting modules


This research introduces the innovative notions in module X over a ring R. The first is called -lifting module, which is an inference of e*S-lifting. The second concept is e*S-hollow-lifting, which is a generalization of the e*S-lifting module. We will illustrate a few of these concept attributes.


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How to Cite

A. Kabban, A., & Khalid, W. (2024). On e*-Singular-Hollow-Lifting Modules. Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 16(3), Math. 81–90. https://doi.org/10.29304/jqcsm.2024.16.31669



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