Centralizers of Prime and Semiprime Rings


  • Abdulrahman H. Majeed Department of Mathematics College of Science Baghdad University, Iraq
  • Mushreq I. Meften Department of Mathematics College of Science Baghdad University, Iraq


prime ring, semiprime ring, derivation, Jordan derivation, left (right) centralizer, left (right) -centralizer, centralizer, -centralizer, Jordan centralizer, Jordan -centralizer


    The purpose of this paper is to prove the following result : Let R be a 2-torsion free ring and T : R®R an additive mapping such that 2T(x2) = T(x)q(x) + q(x)T(x) holds for all x ÃŽ R. . In this case T is left and right q-centralizer , if one of the following statements hold  (i) R semiprime ring has a commutator which is not a zero divisor . (ii) R is a non commutative prime ring .  (iii) R is a commutative semiprime ring , where q be surjective endomorphism of R


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How to Cite

H. Majeed, A., & I. Meften, M. (2017). Centralizers of Prime and Semiprime Rings. Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 1(1), 58–66. Retrieved from https://jqcsm.qu.edu.iq/index.php/journalcm/article/view/167



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