New Applications of “Abeer-AL-Tememe” Transformation in partial differential equations


  • Abeer F. Abaas Mathematics Dep., Education College for women /Kufa University Iraq-Najaf
  • Ali H. Mohammed Mathematics Dep., Education College for women /Kufa University Iraq-Najaf



Abeer-Al-Tememe Transform, Partial differential equations


The Introduction of integral transforms as a partial differential equation solution technique results from the tremendous significance of differential equations and integral transforms in scientific domains. This study proposes a new integral transform Abeer Al- Tememe transform. The suggested transform applications has demonstrated its capacity to resolve partial differential equations.


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How to Cite

F. Abaas, A., & H. Mohammed , A. (2024). New Applications of “Abeer-AL-Tememe” Transformation in partial differential equations. Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 16(3), Math. 107–115.



Math Articles