في تحدید العوامل Canonical Correlation استخدام الارتباط القویم المؤثرة على ادمان الاطفال والمراھقین على التدخین


  • طاهر ریسان دخیل جامعة القادسیة ,قسم الاحصاء
  • محمد عبد الحسین محمد المعهد التقني الدیوانیة,قسم تقنیات ادارة المواد


There is no doubt that smoking is one of the main problem that
most societies are suffering from .In spite of the great efforts that are
done by all countries to give up from this phenomenon ,the introducing
cultural lectures, and by preventing smoking in institutions , but most of
countries such as Iraq is still one of the countries that present such
phenomena .Of course ,this hurts the smokers in such societies .To
determine this ,a sample is taken randomly which consists of (100)
persons from both sexes .Those persons are students of schools and
universities and their ages(13-23)years .The questionnaire that is made
includes two groups of questions .The first list includes information
social state of persons ,while the second one include information about
smoking such as desire ,the number of daily smoked sticks. Also ,the
canonical weights of the variables of two groups have been done to
determine the factors by using the canonical correlation .


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How to Cite

ریسان دخیل, طاهر, & عبد الحسین محمد, محمد. (2017). في تحدید العوامل Canonical Correlation استخدام الارتباط القویم المؤثرة على ادمان الاطفال والمراھقین على التدخین. Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 2(2), 1–13. Retrieved from https://jqcsm.qu.edu.iq/index.php/journalcm/article/view/231



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