Some Generalized Sets and Mappings in Intuitionistic Topological Spaces


  • Taha H. Jassim Dept .of Mathematics ,College of computer Science and mathematics,Tikrit University
  • Samer R.Yaseen Dept .of Mathematics ,College of computer Science and mathematics,Tikrit University
  • Luma S. AbdualBaqi Dept .of Mathematics,College of Education ,Al-QadisiyahUniversity


Intuitionistic regular generalized closed set, intuitionistic generalized pre regular -closed set ,intuitionistic weakly generalized closed set .


In this paper we introduce new types of intuitionistic regular generalized closed set intuitionistic generalized pre regular -closed set,intuitionistic weakly generalized closed set , intuitionistic strongly generalized semi closed set,intuitionistic weakly closed set ,intuitionistic semi weakly generalized closed set,intuitionistic pre weakly generalized closed set, intuitionistic regular-weakly generalized closed set,intuitionistic regular w-closed  set ,  intuitionistic regular generalized α-closed set and study the relations  among them .Through the seconcepts we introduce  a new class of mapping of   intuitionistic generalized pre regular -closed map  intuitionistic , weakly generalized closed map, intuitionistic strongly generalized semi closed map,intuitionistic weakly closed map ,intuitionistic semi weakly generalized closed map intuitionistic pre weakly generalized closed map, intuitionistic regular weakly generalized closed map,intuitionistic regular w-closed  map ,  strongly I -continuous , -irresolute map, -continuous map .We study and investigate some characterizations and relationships among them .





How to Cite

H. Jassim, T., R.Yaseen, S., & S. AbdualBaqi, L. (2017). Some Generalized Sets and Mappings in Intuitionistic Topological Spaces. Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 7(2), 80–96. Retrieved from



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