The Rational Selection of the Modules of the Values for the Processors in the System of the Residual Classes
residual number system (RNS),, the selection criteria of values of the modules, the processor of the system of residual classes, system basisAbstract
Considered there is a set of systems of modules for 32-bit and 64-bit processors in the residual number system (RNS). The conducted substantiation of the selection criteria of values of the modules with a minimum of hardware expenses tabular implementation of RNS processor; minimum hardware expenses in the implementation of RNS processor in the binary logic which is the same type of module channels. Considered there are various systems of modules in the amount of 25 sets for 32- bit and 22 sets for 64-bit processors. The conducted investigations determine the effectiveness of the use of all sets under the consideration systems of modules in terms of each of criteria. The present analysis of the results selected the best criteria according to the systems of modules for each of the processors.
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