A Fully Online Clustering Approach for Enhanced Performance of Health Information System
Data Mining, Clustering, Data stream, Maintenance, HealthcareAbstract
Health Data clustering is a significant research direction aiming to extract knowledge from a continuous health data flow to support online health decisions. However, processing health data clusters is still a challenging task. Existing clustering approaches are subject to various limitations in terms of considering the neighbor clusters and conducting multiple operations during the maintenance process. In this paper, we model, design and implement a novel framework called IClustMaint for efficiently clustering and maintaining health data clusters incrementally. A two-phase algorithm is embedded in the framework. We first employ the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method to efficiently reduce the high costs of the initial clustering phase. Next, in the maintenance phase, we propose the incremental Cluster maintenance (ICM) approach for managing the generated cluster during a period of time. Technically, when the data clusters are evolving over time and need to be maintained frequently, the ICM approach improves the performance of cluster maintenance by only tracking the edge points. The experimental results on a real medical dataset verify the efficiency of the proposed approaches.
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