Performance Analysis for RC6 and PRESENT Encryption Algorithms in Cloud Environment
NIST Compliance, Lightweight Algorithms, Cloud Environment, RC6 Algorithm, PRESENT AlgorithmAbstract
Organizations and individuals increasingly rely on cloud services for data storage and transmission, and the need for robust and efficient encryption algorithms is more critical than ever. This paper rigorously examines the performance and NIST compliance of two lightweight encryption algorithms, RC6 and PRESENT, within cloud computing contexts. The paper assesses the algorithms' performance metrics, such as encryption time, decryption time, space-time, memory used, CPU consumption, avalanche effect, entropy, and energy consumption, in addition to their security features. Also, utilizing fifteen NIST SP 800-22 cryptographic tests to ensure secure and efficient practices, including recent security analyses to assess the two algorithms' behavior, both algorithms present a distinct array of compromises between effectiveness and protection.
The results function as a strong regulator for the decision-making process in cloud security, offering advantages to both professionals in the field and experts in cryptography, it shows RC6 outperforms PRESENT in encryption (5.334s vs. 6.937s), decryption (6.035s vs. 6.191s), and space-time efficiency (1189 bytes/s vs. 41 bytes/s). While PRESENT uses less memory after encryption (41.27 MB vs. 67.63 MB), RC6 has slightly lower CPU consumption (4.50% vs. 4.90% for encryption) and higher energy efficiency (0.901J vs. 0.956J). Deep analysis is implemented to balance security and efficiency, and after implementing the two algorithms to encrypt the same file the result of the analysis was, that RC6 stands out as a particularly strong contender. It offers robust security features and is more efficient in terms of computational time, resource utilization, and energy consumption. PRESENT, while secure, tends to consume more resources and takes longer for encryption and decryption. However, its simpler design might offer some advantages in certain scenarios, though this comes with trade-offs in performance and resource efficiency.
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