Develop Whale Optimization Algorithm(WOA) In Genetic Method To Predict the Optimal Treatment for Diseases


  • Zuhal Adil Madlool



Hug data, Machine learning, Prediction, Genetic algorithms.


Recently, a greater emphasis in research is on the targeting the parameters responsible for the spread of diseases, particularly in managing the complexities of large datasets related to disease information One of the major problems is trying to attain a high level of precision because some data sets in big data can be incomplete. The scope of this research involves advanced learning systems to formulate a system which provides best course of action against treatment recommends of any disease. Among other approaches, dealing with the missing data points and regularization of disease databases are included. The Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) will be developed to enhance predictions of effective treatments for diseases, utilizing genetic algorithms, which have unique features that set them apart from other methods. The results of the proposed approach showed significant improvement in predicting the appropriate treatment for diseases, compared to earlier results obtained with the WOA algorithm before its enhancement. The new method demonstrated higher accuracy reaching 98%.


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How to Cite

Adil Madlool, Z. (2024). Develop Whale Optimization Algorithm(WOA) In Genetic Method To Predict the Optimal Treatment for Diseases . Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 16(4), Comp. 300–310.



Computer Articles