Interactive Situated Autonomic Multi-Agents System-Comprehensive Survey


  • Mohammed Ali University of ALQadisiyah, College of computer science and Information Technology, Iraq
  • Ali Obied University of ALQadisiyah, College of computer science and Information Technology



multi-agent system(MAS), knowledge Base (KB), BDI, intelligent agent, Robotic Process Automation, situated agent, interaction


Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) are made up of autonomous entities called agents. Agents collaborate to complete tasks, but their intrinsic capacity to learn and make independent judgments allows them to be more flexible. Agents learn new contexts and behaviors through their interactions with other agents as well as the environment. Agents then exploit their knowledge to determine and carry out an action on the environment in order to accomplish their assigned objective. Because of its versatility, MAS is well suited to solving issues in a wide range of areas, including computer science, civil engineering, electrical engineering, etc. Developing cooperative MAS necessitates tackling a variety of issues, especially coordination among agents. Consequently, this paper discusses several interaction ways among agents in many disciplines.  Index Terms—multi-agent system(MAS), Robotic Process Automation, situated agents, interaction.


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How to Cite

Ali, M., & Obied, A. (2022). Interactive Situated Autonomic Multi-Agents System-Comprehensive Survey. Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 14(3), Comp Page 22–32.



Computer Articles